Karel Honasan’s wedding vows (with the aid of an F Bass BN4) to his wife Yosha.
Congratulations Karel & Yosha!
Karel Honasan’s wedding vows (with the aid of an F Bass BN4) to his wife Yosha.
Congratulations Karel & Yosha!
Dood! MarloweDK has an Fbass VF5! Sweet!
If you didn’t guess FretSpot, then you suck at guessing. :D
Fodera has always made very special instruments, and I’ve noticed over the last several years of running this little business of mine that a lot of my F Bass customers are also Fodera owners (I think that correlation speaks well of both of these companies). After lurking in the Fodera Club threads on TalkBass, I became really impressed with how Jason DeSalvo, one of the managing partners of Fodera, treated the posters on the thread.
This bass has some special mojo going for it. It is a hand-carved, hand-made 4-string bass inspired by the great vintage basses from Fender. It’s essentially a 60’s body with a 70’s neck (a bit thinner and faster than the 60’s necks). Body is ash, and the neck is Northern Maple. The block inlays really set the bass off!
On eBay NOW:
This bass is really something special – one of those instruments that will call to you from across a crowded room – yes, I’m serious!
Adam, a customer who bought the 18mm VF5 from me, just sent me this killer video. Always good to hear one of our own!