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More FretSpot Kudos!

Got this from my friend and customer, Juddy.  I wanted to share it so that if you are a new or prospective customer, you will know what kind of service and experience you can expect.

Donovan, it’s been a few weeks now since I’ve purchased the F bass from you and now that I’ve had some time to digest the transaction I wanted to write you a note to tell you how happy I am. I was terrified to ship you my basses without ever meeting you, but your professionalism quickly eased my mind. I was so relieved to see that you lived up to every word you promised. You’re quick, fair, and an all around nice guy to do biz with. Thank you so much for the amazing f-bass, and for putting up with my numerous e-mails. I’m totally looking forward to the next bass I buy from you! Best of luck! Juddy

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FretSpot Kudos!

Just received this wonderful praise from my friend and customer Anthony Holyfield.

I want to share this with you for two reasons:

  1. If you are a new or prospective customer, then perhaps this testimonial will encourage you to contact me, and know that I’ll take great care of you and give world class service.
  2. I can’t lie – I just wanted to brag a little! Β :D



Yesterday I spent some time on your website, and I was reading the testimonies of some of your past and present customers. Thank you for being what I feel is a vanishing bread of business man, musician, and personality . And I agree that bass players in general seem to be very cool people.

Relationships are valuable to me and even though we have only communicated via email and phone, I would very much like us to continue a working friendship. Where is all this coming from? Well… Sometime we need to just slow ourselves long enough to honor people and cultivate relationships beyond the rutean of business.
Have a great evening.


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Merry Christmas!

Hi Fellow Fodera & FBass Friends!

I just wanted to take a moment on this special day to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Festive Kwanza, or whatever else you celebrate!

Thanks to you guys, you’re good friend at is the #1 FBass dealer in the world for the second year in a row! Thanks to everyone for your business, support and friendship this year! What I do wouldn’t be possible, or worth doing, if it wasn’t for you all!

(BTW, if Santa didn’t bring you what you wanted for Christmas, your buddy Donovan has TONS of awesome basses to make your dreams come true! :).


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The Business Philosophy

I’ve been having a fascinating discussion with a potential customer via email. To be honest, we somehow got on each other’s bad side, which frankly, was very enlightening. I wrote the following response to him, and I think it best explains how I do business at FretSpot, and that it might make interesting reading for current and future customers.

Continue reading The Business Philosophy